photo-cli 0.0.0-preview3

Prefix Reserved
This is a prerelease version of photo-cli.
There is a newer version of this package available.
See the version list below for details.
dotnet tool install --global photo-cli --version 0.0.0-preview3                
This package contains a .NET tool you can call from the shell/command line.
dotnet new tool-manifest # if you are setting up this repo
dotnet tool install --local photo-cli --version 0.0.0-preview3                
This package contains a .NET tool you can call from the shell/command line.
#tool dotnet:?package=photo-cli&version=0.0.0-preview3&prerelease                
nuke :add-package photo-cli --version 0.0.0-preview3                


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photo-cli is CLI tool (works on Linux & macOS & Windows) that extracts when and where (reverse geocode) your photographs are taken, copy into a new organized folder (not modifying source folder) with various folder & file naming strategies or export all data into CSV (can view on Microsoft Excel, Libre/OpenOffice Calc, Apple Numbers, Google Sheets) files. With this exported CSV file you can navigate your photo locations on Google Maps & Earth with your custom label and pin style.


Features Explained With An Example

There is three main feature that can be explain better with examples.

  1. Copy into a new organized folder
  2. Export all extracted information into a CSV Report
  3. Navigate Your Photo Locations on Google Maps & Earth

1. Copy Into a New Organized Folder Example With photo-cli copy Command

Folder & File Hierarchy Before → After

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── 2005.08.13_09.47.23-Kenya.jpg ├── 2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album │   ├── 2005.12.14_14.39.47-Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.28.39-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.29.49-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.38.20-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.43.21-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.44.01-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.46.53-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.52.15-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.55.37-Italia-Arezzo.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-1.jpg │   └── 2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-2.jpg ├── 2012.06.22_19.52.31-United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot.jpg ├── 2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey │   ├── 2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-1.jpg │   └── 2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-2.jpg ├── Italy album │   └── no-address │   └── IMG_2371.jpg ├── photo-cli-report.csv └── Spain Journey └── no-address-and-no-photo-taken-date └── IMG_5397.jpg

6 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>

What Happened? / How It Is Processed?

There is lots of transformation options and customization settings, this is just a one of them. This transformation is done by running only the following single command;

Command with explicit argument names & values

photo-cli copy --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --naming-style DateTimeWithSecondsAddress --number-style PaddingZeroCharacter --folder-append DayRange --folder-append-location Prefix --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --output photo-cli-test --no-coordinate InSubFolder --no-taken-date InSubFolder

Same command with shorter alias of all argument names & values

photo-cli copy -f 2 -s 8 -n 2 -a 4 -p 1 -e 2 -r country city town suburb -o photo-cli-test -c 3 -t 3

Console/terminal output (as progress may take time, for each operation completion status shown with progress)

Searching photos: finished. 17 photos found.
Parsing photo exif information: finished.
This OpenStreetMapFoundation provider is using rate limit of 1 seconds between each request
Reverse Geocoding: finished.
Directory grouping: finished.
Processing target folder: finished.
Writing csv report: finished.
- 18 photos copied.
- 4 directories created.
- 15 photos has taken date and coordinate.
- 1 photos has taken date but no coordinate.
- 2 photos has no taken date and coordinate.
Step By Step photo-cli copy Process
  1. Gather all photo paths in the source folder within subfolders.
  2. Extract EXIF data of each photograph's taken date and coordinate.
  3. As file name strategy is selected as DateTimeWithSecondsAddress and it contains address, by using third-party reverse geocode provider we are building address with OpenStreetMap by using given administrative levels as city town suburb for each photograph.
  4. As folder process type is selected as SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy folder and file hierarchy at the new output folder will be same.
  5. As folder append type is selected as DayRange and folder append location is Prefix, folder names on output folder will be created with same name prefixed with a earliest and latest photograph taken date. For example: 2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album (original folder name is Italy album)
  6. As file name strategy is selected as DateTimeWithSecondsAddress each photograph file name would be copied as photo taken date unified with the address which is built from third party reverse geocode provider by photograph's coordinate. For example: 2012.06.22_19.52.31-United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot.jpg (original file name is GOPR6742.jpg)
  7. As no photograph taken date action is selected as InSubFolder and no coordinate action is selected as InSubFolder, photographs with no related EXIF data copied into a sub folder by obeying original folder hierarchy. For example: /Italy album/no-address/IMG_2371.jpg and /Spain Journey/no-address-and-no-photo-taken-date/IMG_5397.jpg
  8. To verify and see all information in one place, photo-cli-report.csv report will be created on the output file. Can be examined in Markdown table or CSV file.
Contents of photo-cli-report.csv File in Markdown Table (report of copy command)

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

PhotoPath PhotoNewPath PhotoDateTaken ReverseGeocodeFormatted Latitude Longitude PhotoTakenYear PhotoTakenMonth PhotoTakenDay PhotoTakenHour PhotoTakenMinute PhotoTakenSeconds Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 Address6 Address7 Address8
/TestImages/DSC_5727.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.08.13_09.47.23-Kenya.jpg 08/13/2005 09:47:23 Kenya -0.37129999999999996 36.056416666666664 2005 8 13 9 47 23 Kenya
/TestImages/GOPR6742.jpg photo-cli-test/2012.06.22_19.52.31-United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot.jpg 06/22/2012 19:52:31 United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot 51.424838333333334 -0.6735616666666666 2012 6 22 19 52 31 United Kingdom Ascot Sunninghill and Ascot
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC03467.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2005.12.14_14.39.47-Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1.jpg 12/14/2005 14:39:47 Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1 43.78559443333333 11.234619433333334 2005 12 14 14 39 47 Italia Firenze Quartiere 1
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7497.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.28.39-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:28:39 Italia-Arezzo 43.46744833333334 11.885126666663888 2008 10 22 16 28 39 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01732.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.29.49-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:29:49 Italia-Arezzo 43.46715666666389 11.885394999997223 2008 10 22 16 29 49 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7496.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.38.20-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:38:20 Italia-Arezzo 43.467081666663894 11.884538333330555 2008 10 22 16 38 20 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01733.jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.43.21-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:43:21 Italia-Arezzo 43.468365 11.881634999972222 2008 10 22 16 43 21 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC00001.JPG photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.44.01-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:44:01 Italia-Arezzo 43.46844166666667 11.881515 2008 10 22 16 44 1 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_0747.JPG photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.46.53-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:46:53 Italia-Arezzo 43.468243333330555 11.880171666638889 2008 10 22 16 46 53 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1771.JPG photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.52.15-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:52:15 Italia-Arezzo 43.46725499999722 11.879213333333334 2008 10 22 16 52 15 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1769.JPG photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.55.37-Italia-Arezzo.jpg 10/22/2008 16:55:37 Italia-Arezzo 43.46601166663889 11.87911166663889 2008 10 22 16 55 37 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770.JPG photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-1.jpg 10/22/2008 17:00:07 Italia-Arezzo 43.464455 11.881478333333334 2008 10 22 17 0 7 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770_(same).jpg photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-2.jpg 10/22/2008 17:00:07 Italia-Arezzo 43.464455 11.881478333333334 2008 10 22 17 0 7 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_2371.jpg photo-cli-test/Italy album/no-address/IMG_2371.jpg 07/16/2008 11:33:20 2008 7 16 11 33 20
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1807.jpg photo-cli-test/2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey/2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-1.jpg 04/10/2015 20:12:23 España-Madrid 40.44697222222222 -3.724752777777778 2015 4 10 20 12 23 España Madrid
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1808.jpg photo-cli-test/2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey/2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-2.jpg 04/10/2015 20:12:23 España-Madrid 40.44697222222222 -3.724752777777778 2015 4 10 20 12 23 España Madrid
/TestImages/Spain Journey/IMG_5397.jpg photo-cli-test/Spain Journey/no-address-and-no-photo-taken-date/IMG_5397.jpg


Contents of photo-cli-report.csv File in Raw Text Format (report of copy command)

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

/TestImages/DSC_5727.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.08.13_09.47.23-Kenya.jpg,08/13/2005 09:47:23,Kenya,-0.37129999999999996,36.056416666666664,2005,8,13,9,47,23,Kenya,,,,,,,
/TestImages/GOPR6742.jpg,photo-cli-test/2012.06.22_19.52.31-United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot.jpg,06/22/2012 19:52:31,United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot,51.424838333333334,-0.6735616666666666,2012,6,22,19,52,31,United Kingdom,Ascot,Sunninghill and Ascot,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC03467.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2005.12.14_14.39.47-Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1.jpg,12/14/2005 14:39:47,Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1,43.78559443333333,11.234619433333334,2005,12,14,14,39,47,Italia,Firenze,Quartiere 1,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7497.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.28.39-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:28:39,Italia-Arezzo,43.46744833333334,11.885126666663888,2008,10,22,16,28,39,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01732.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.29.49-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:29:49,Italia-Arezzo,43.46715666666389,11.885394999997223,2008,10,22,16,29,49,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7496.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.38.20-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:38:20,Italia-Arezzo,43.467081666663894,11.884538333330555,2008,10,22,16,38,20,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01733.jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.43.21-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:43:21,Italia-Arezzo,43.468365,11.881634999972222,2008,10,22,16,43,21,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC00001.JPG,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.44.01-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:44:01,Italia-Arezzo,43.46844166666667,11.881515,2008,10,22,16,44,1,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_0747.JPG,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.46.53-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:46:53,Italia-Arezzo,43.468243333330555,11.880171666638889,2008,10,22,16,46,53,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1771.JPG,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.52.15-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:52:15,Italia-Arezzo,43.46725499999722,11.879213333333334,2008,10,22,16,52,15,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1769.JPG,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_16.55.37-Italia-Arezzo.jpg,10/22/2008 16:55:37,Italia-Arezzo,43.46601166663889,11.87911166663889,2008,10,22,16,55,37,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770.JPG,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-1.jpg,10/22/2008 17:00:07,Italia-Arezzo,43.464455,11.881478333333334,2008,10,22,17,0,7,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770_(same).jpg,photo-cli-test/2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album/2008.10.22_17.00.07-Italia-Arezzo-2.jpg,10/22/2008 17:00:07,Italia-Arezzo,43.464455,11.881478333333334,2008,10,22,17,0,7,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_2371.jpg,photo-cli-test/Italy album/no-address/IMG_2371.jpg,07/16/2008 11:33:20,,,,2008,7,16,11,33,20,,,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1807.jpg,photo-cli-test/2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey/2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-1.jpg,04/10/2015 20:12:23,España-Madrid,40.44697222222222,-3.724752777777778,2015,4,10,20,12,23,España,Madrid,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1808.jpg,photo-cli-test/2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey/2015.04.10_20.12.23-España-Madrid-2.jpg,04/10/2015 20:12:23,España-Madrid,40.44697222222222,-3.724752777777778,2015,4,10,20,12,23,España,Madrid,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/IMG_5397.jpg,photo-cli-test/Spain Journey/no-address-and-no-photo-taken-date/IMG_5397.jpg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


2. Export all extracted information into a CSV Report With photo-cli info Command

Contents of photo-info.csv File in Markdown Table (output of info command](#info))

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

PhotoPath PhotoNewPath PhotoDateTaken ReverseGeocodeFormatted Latitude Longitude PhotoTakenYear PhotoTakenMonth PhotoTakenDay PhotoTakenHour PhotoTakenMinute PhotoTakenSeconds Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 Address6 Address7 Address8
/TestImages/DSC_5727.jpg 08/13/2005 09:47:23 Kenya -0.37129999999999996 36.056416666666664 2005 8 13 9 47 23 Kenya
/TestImages/GOPR6742.jpg 06/22/2012 19:52:31 United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot 51.424838333333334 -0.6735616666666666 2012 6 22 19 52 31 United Kingdom Ascot Sunninghill and Ascot
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770.JPG 10/22/2008 17:00:07 Italia-Arezzo 43.464455 11.881478333333334 2008 10 22 17 0 7 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1771.JPG 10/22/2008 16:52:15 Italia-Arezzo 43.46725499999722 11.879213333333334 2008 10 22 16 52 15 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_0747.JPG 10/22/2008 16:46:53 Italia-Arezzo 43.468243333330555 11.880171666638889 2008 10 22 16 46 53 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_2371.jpg 07/16/2008 11:33:20 2008 7 16 11 33 20
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770_(same).jpg 10/22/2008 17:00:07 Italia-Arezzo 43.464455 11.881478333333334 2008 10 22 17 0 7 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01733.jpg 10/22/2008 16:43:21 Italia-Arezzo 43.468365 11.881634999972222 2008 10 22 16 43 21 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC00001.JPG 10/22/2008 16:44:01 Italia-Arezzo 43.46844166666667 11.881515 2008 10 22 16 44 1 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1769.JPG 10/22/2008 16:55:37 Italia-Arezzo 43.46601166663889 11.87911166663889 2008 10 22 16 55 37 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7497.jpg 10/22/2008 16:28:39 Italia-Arezzo 43.46744833333334 11.885126666663888 2008 10 22 16 28 39 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC03467.jpg 12/14/2005 14:39:47 Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1 43.78559443333333 11.234619433333334 2005 12 14 14 39 47 Italia Firenze Quartiere 1
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7496.jpg 10/22/2008 16:38:20 Italia-Arezzo 43.467081666663894 11.884538333330555 2008 10 22 16 38 20 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01732.jpg 10/22/2008 16:29:49 Italia-Arezzo 43.46715666666389 11.885394999997223 2008 10 22 16 29 49 Italia Arezzo
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1807.jpg 04/10/2015 20:12:23 España-Madrid 40.44697222222222 -3.724752777777778 2015 4 10 20 12 23 España Madrid
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1808.jpg 04/10/2015 20:12:23 España-Madrid 40.44697222222222 -3.724752777777778 2015 4 10 20 12 23 España Madrid
/TestImages/Spain Journey/IMG_5397.jpg


Contents of photo-info.csv File in Raw Text Format (report of info command)

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

/TestImages/DSC_5727.jpg,,08/13/2005 09:47:23,Kenya,-0.37129999999999996,36.056416666666664,2005,8,13,9,47,23,Kenya,,,,,,,
/TestImages/GOPR6742.jpg,,06/22/2012 19:52:31,United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot,51.424838333333334,-0.6735616666666666,2012,6,22,19,52,31,United Kingdom,Ascot,Sunninghill and Ascot,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770.JPG,,10/22/2008 17:00:07,Italia-Arezzo,43.464455,11.881478333333334,2008,10,22,17,0,7,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1771.JPG,,10/22/2008 16:52:15,Italia-Arezzo,43.46725499999722,11.879213333333334,2008,10,22,16,52,15,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_0747.JPG,,10/22/2008 16:46:53,Italia-Arezzo,43.468243333330555,11.880171666638889,2008,10,22,16,46,53,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/IMG_2371.jpg,,07/16/2008 11:33:20,,,,2008,7,16,11,33,20,,,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1770_(same).jpg,,10/22/2008 17:00:07,Italia-Arezzo,43.464455,11.881478333333334,2008,10,22,17,0,7,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01733.jpg,,10/22/2008 16:43:21,Italia-Arezzo,43.468365,11.881634999972222,2008,10,22,16,43,21,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC00001.JPG,,10/22/2008 16:44:01,Italia-Arezzo,43.46844166666667,11.881515,2008,10,22,16,44,1,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC_1769.JPG,,10/22/2008 16:55:37,Italia-Arezzo,43.46601166663889,11.87911166663889,2008,10,22,16,55,37,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7497.jpg,,10/22/2008 16:28:39,Italia-Arezzo,43.46744833333334,11.885126666663888,2008,10,22,16,28,39,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DSC03467.jpg,,12/14/2005 14:39:47,Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1,43.78559443333333,11.234619433333334,2005,12,14,14,39,47,Italia,Firenze,Quartiere 1,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/GOPR7496.jpg,,10/22/2008 16:38:20,Italia-Arezzo,43.467081666663894,11.884538333330555,2008,10,22,16,38,20,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Italy album/DJI_01732.jpg,,10/22/2008 16:29:49,Italia-Arezzo,43.46715666666389,11.885394999997223,2008,10,22,16,29,49,Italia,Arezzo,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1807.jpg,,04/10/2015 20:12:23,España-Madrid,40.44697222222222,-3.724752777777778,2015,4,10,20,12,23,España,Madrid,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/DSC_1808.jpg,,04/10/2015 20:12:23,España-Madrid,40.44697222222222,-3.724752777777778,2015,4,10,20,12,23,España,Madrid,,,,,,
/TestImages/Spain Journey/IMG_5397.jpg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


What Happened? / How It Is Processed?

There is some options and lots of customization settings, this is just a one of them. This information extracted is done by running only the following single command;

Command with explicit argument names & values

photo-cli info --all-folders --output photo-info.csv --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --no-taken-date Continue --no-coordinate Continue

Same command with shorter alias of all argument names & values

photo-cli info -a -o photo-info.csv -e 2 -r country city town suburb -t Continue -c Continue

Console/terminal output (as progress may take time, for each operation completion status shown as percentage)

Searching photos: finished. 17 photos found.
Parsing photo exif information: finished.
Reverse Geocoding: finished.
Writing csv report: finished.
- 15 photos has taken date and coordinate.
- 1 photos has taken date but no coordinate.
- 1 photos has no taken date and coordinate.
Step By Step photo-cli info Process
  1. As all folders is selected. We are gathering all photo paths in the source folder within subfolders.
  2. Extract EXIF data of each photograph's taken date and coordinate.
  3. As third-party reverse geocode is selected, we are building address with OpenStreetMap by using given administrative levels as city town suburb for each photograph.
  4. As no photograph taken date action is selected as Continue and no coordinate action is selected as Continue, they are listing in report with empty data.

If you want to discover your photographs interactively on world, you may do it by importing your CSV output (whether photo-cli copy or photo-cli info command) to Google Maps and Google Earth, you can interactively navigate through your photographs.

Google Maps

Open Google My Maps and after clicking Create a New Map, you can import your CSV file on a layer(you may add many layers).


Google Earth Desktop

After installing Google Earth Desktop, on File menu, you can import your CSV file via Import menu item.


Google Earth Web

To navigate your photographs on Google Earth Web, first you should import your CSV on Google Earth Desktop and save it as KMZ or KML. Then you can create a project and add this KML file.



Important note: This application is a command line tool which don't have any user interface. To use this application, basic knowledge of how to run and send arguments to CLI applications is a must.

  1. Installing .NET 6 runtime for your platform (Linux, macOS, Windows).

  2. Install or update with these commands both on Linux, macOS, Windows;

Install: To update newer version:
dotnet tool install photo-cli -g --version 0.0.0-preview3 dotnet tool update photo-cli -g --version 0.0.0-preview3
  1. Installing the tool globally provides access to the photo-cli command in your terminal.
photo-cli [command]

photo-cli help [command]

Note: You may test commands on test photographs which has coordinates and photograph taken dates in it.

  1. (For macOS and Linux) You should add your .dotnet/tools (path may change for your installation choices) to your PATH environment variable.

For macOS - Z Shell add the following line to your ~/.zshenv file.

export PATH="$PATH:/Users/[your-account-name]/.dotnet/tools"

For Linux Bash add the following line to your ~/.profile file.

export PATH="$PATH:/home/ac/.dotnet/tools"

Sample Usage Screenshots

The following command used in all samples with test photographs

photo-cli copy -i photos -f 2 -s 8 -n 2 -a 4 -p 1 -e 2 -r country city town suburb -o organized-albums -c 3 -t 3




File Explorer

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Microsoft Excel

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Tree Command

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>







<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Apple Numbers

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Tree Command

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>






File Manager

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Libre Office Calc

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



Tree Command

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>



How It's Done?

By extracting Exchangeable image file format stored on each of your photographs.


Photograph's taken date used to determine when photograph's date. Most of the camera/cell phones save this data without any setting.


Photograph's coordinate data is sent to selected third-party reverse geocode provider to build a address.

Most of the cameras and cellphones have GPS receiver on them. You need to be sure that on settings something like Save GPS location should be enabled.

Address Building & Reverse Geocoding

If you use only photo taken date and not interested in building address from reverse geocode, you can skip reading this section. But if you want to use address (reverse geocode) in file and/or folder naming, you should read the following sections and must learn the details.

1. Selecting Third-Party Reverse Geocode Provider

To build addresses we need a reserve geocode provider. Currently, there is five reverse geocode provider is supported.

  1. BigDataCloud
  2. Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim
  3. Google Maps
  4. MapQuest
  5. LocationIq
Comparison of Supported Third-Party Reverse Geocode Providers
Reverse Geocode Provider API Key Required Free Tier Free Count Limit Free Rate Limit (free) Map Data Owner
BigDataCloud Yes Yes - 50.000 req/month Big Data Cloud
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim No - - 1req/sec Open Street Map Foundation
GoogleMaps Yes No - - Google
MapQuest Yes Yes 50.000 req/month , 5.000/day - Open Street Map Foundation
LocationIq Yes Yes 5.000 req/day 1req/sec Open Street Map Foundation

2. Setting API Key

After selecting reverse geocode provider, you need to provide an API key. There are three ways to provide this API key;

  1. Send as an argument every time
  2. Use persist a setting to save it as configuration, so you don't need to submit everytime.
  3. Use environment variable, so you don't need to submit everytime.
Reverse Geocode Provider Settings Key Environment Variable Argument
BigDataCloud BigDataCloudApiKey PHOTO_CLI_BIG_DATA_CLOUD_API_KEY -b or --bigdatacloud-key
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim - - -
GoogleMaps GoogleMapsApiKey PHOTO_CLI_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY -k or --googlemaps-key
MapQuest MapQuestApiKey PHOTO_CLI_MAPQUEST_API_KEY -u or --mapquest-key
LocationIq LocationIqApiKey PHOTO_CLI_LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY -q or --locationiq-key

3. Understanding Reverse Geocode Response

Every reverse geocode provider has its data and they also represent it very differently. The information returned from reverse geocode provider is different or may differ in the level of detail. As there is no way to generalize every reverse geocode provider's response into the same address administrative level, users must understand the response returned from their selected reverse geocode provider.

There is two way to understand the reverse geocoding response.

  1. Easy Way To Inspect Reserve Geocode Response
  2. Power User Way To Inspect Reserve Geocode Response
Easy Way To Inspect Reserve Geocode Response

photo-cli has a feature to extract and list the response of each reverse geocode provider. If you are using a reverse geocode provider that needs an API key, first you need to get it from the provider and set API key.

Listing Reverse Geocode Response. Ref: reverse geocode provider command line arguments

photo-cli address --input [input-file.jpg] --reverse-geocode [selected-reverse-geocode-provider]`

For example, a photo was taken on Anıtkabir(place), Çankaya(town), Ankara(city), Turkey(country) with coordinate as 39.925054 and longitude as 32.8347552 (Coordinate in Google Maps) responses should be like the following.

Big Data Cloud
photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 1
AdminLevel2: Turkey
AdminLevel3: Central Anatolia Region
AdminLevel4: Ankara Province
AdminLevel6: Çankaya
AdminLevel8: Mebusevleri Mahallesi
Open Street Map - Nominatim
photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 2
CountryCode: tr
Country: Türkiye
Region: İç Anadolu Bölgesi
Province: Ankara
City: Ankara
Town: Çankaya
Postcode: 06430
Suburb: Yücetepe Mahallesi
Road: İlk Sokak
Military: Anıtkabir
Google Maps
photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 3
plus_code: WRGM+2W
administrative_area_level_2: Çankaya
administrative_area_level_1: Ankara
country: Turkey
route: Anıtkabir
administrative_area_level_4: Mebusevleri
postal_code: 06570
street_number: 108
Map Quest
photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 4
CountryCode: tr
Country: Türkiye
City: Ankara
Postcode: 06580
Suburb: Mebusevleri Mahallesi
Location Iq
photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 5
CountryCode: tr
Country: Turkey
Region: Central Anatolia Region
Province: Ankara
City: Ankara
Town: Çankaya
Postcode: 06570
Suburb: Yücetepe Mahallesi
Road: Ata Sokak
Barracks: Anıtkabir
Power User Way To Inspect Reserve Geocode Response

You should inspect the reverse geocode provider's response with the locations you occasionally take photographs. After getting the response, you can send the properties as an argument of your choice of the administrative level you want to build an address for each photograph.

Using HTTP Files

To trigger HTTP files you may use Visual Studio Code with the extension REST Client or any IntelliJ IDE's.

You may replace {{ApiKey}} in the address with your API key or you can use the IntelliJ environment variable file.

Reverse Geocode Provider HTTP File
BigDataCloud big-data-cloud.http
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim open-street-map.http
GoogleMaps google-maps.http
MapQuest map-quest.http
LocationIq location-iq.http
Using Postman

You may import photo-cli | Reverse Geocode collection into Postman.

You should prepare the following environment variables on Postman.

Reverse Geocode Provider Postman Environment Variable
BigDataCloud BigDataCloud-ApiKey
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim -
GoogleMaps GoogleMaps-ApiKey
MapQuest MapQuest-ApiKey
LocationIq LocationIq-ApiKey
Sample Responses

Sample responses in JSON format are listed below from each reverse geocode for the coordinate with latitude as 39.925054 and longitude as 32.8347552 (Coordinate in Google Maps).

Reverse Geocode Provider Sample Response
BigDataCloud big-data-cloud.json
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim open-street-map.json
GoogleMaps google-maps.json
MapQuest map-quest.json
LocationIq location-iq.json

4. Building Your Own Address With Selected Properties

Every reverse geocode provider has its address building parameters. With address command you can inspect any photograph's reverse geocode response. These different levels of selected address properties will be used in exported into CSV file for info command or used as file and/or folder names depending on your naming strategies for copy command.

Reverse Geocode Provider Address Building Parameters
BigDataCloud BigDataCloud Properties
Open Street Map Foundation - Nominatim OpenStreet Properties
GoogleMaps GoogleMaps Properties
MapQuest OpenStreet Properties
LocationIq OpenStreet Properties
Big Data Cloud Parameters

Getting a sample reverse geocoding response with all properties listed.

photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 1
AdminLevel2: Turkey
AdminLevel3: Central Anatolia Region
AdminLevel4: Ankara Province
AdminLevel6: Çankaya
AdminLevel8: Mebusevleri Mahallesi

If we want to build an address like with levels only contains Turkey, Ankara Province, and Çankaya, we should use levels 2,4,6. To verify our address is building correctly, you may use type parameter as SelectedProperties and bigdatacloud-levels arguments separated with space like the following example.

photo-cli address --input DSC_7082.jpg --reverse-geocode BigDataCloud --type SelectedProperties --bigdatacloud-levels 2 4 6
Ankara Province
Open Street Map Parameters

Getting a sample reverse geocoding response with all properties listed.

photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e 2
CountryCode: tr
Country: Türkiye
Region: İç Anadolu Bölgesi
Province: Ankara
City: Ankara
Town: Çankaya
Postcode: 06430
Suburb: Yücetepe Mahallesi
Road: İlk Sokak
Military: Anıtkabir

If we want to build an address like with levels only contains tr, 06430, and Yücetepe Mahallesi, we should use properties CountryCode, Postcode, Suburb. To verify our address is building correctly, you may use type as SelectedProperties and openstreetmap-properties arguments separated with space like the following example.

photo-cli address --input DSC_7082.jpg --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --type SelectedProperties --openstreetmap-properties CountryCode Postcode Suburb
Yücetepe Mahallesi
Google Maps Properties

Getting a sample reverse geocoding response with all properties listed.

photo-cli address -i DSC_7082.jpg -e GoogleMaps
plus_code: WRGM+2W
administrative_area_level_2: Çankaya
administrative_area_level_1: Ankara
country: Turkey
route: Anıtkabir
administrative_area_level_4: Mebusevleri
postal_code: 06570
street_number: 108

If we want to build an address like with levels only contains Mebusevleri, 108, and Anıtkabir, we should use properties administrative_area_level_4, street_number, route. To verify our address is building correctly, you may use type as SelectedProperties and googlemaps-types arguments separated with space like the following example.

photo-cli address --input DSC_7082.jpg --reverse-geocode GoogleMaps --type SelectedProperties --googlemaps-types administrative_area_level_4 street_number route

5. Merging Selected Address Level Properties Into Single Address

After selecting our properties specialized by our selected third-party reverse geocode provider, we can use our address in file and folder names. To merge address levels, - character is used as default.

Example merged address may used in file/folder names: Turkey-Ankara-Çankaya-Mebusevleri-Anıtkabir

You may change default separator (-) via settings command with a setting key AddressSeparator


We can't cover all possible options, because there are so many option combination. Some important copy command examples with comparing of original photos directory structure and output directory of photo-cli listed below.

Preserve same folder hierarchy, copy photos with sequential number ordering by photo taken date.
photo-cli copy --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --naming-style Numeric --number-style PaddingZeroCharacter --input photos --output organized-albums

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── 1.jpg ├── 2.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── 01.jpg │   ├── 02.jpg │   ├── 03.jpg │   ├── 04.jpg │   ├── 05.jpg │   ├── 06.jpg │   ├── 07.jpg │   ├── 08.jpg │   ├── 09.jpg │   ├── 10.jpg │   ├── 11.jpg │   └── 12.jpg ├── photo-cli-report.csv └── Spain Journey ├── 1.jpg ├── 2.jpg └── 3.jpg

2 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>


Groups photos by photo taken year, month, day than copy on [year]/[month]/[day] directory with a file name as photo taken date.
photo-cli copy --process-type FlattenAllSubFolders --group-by YearMonthDay --naming-style DateTimeWithSeconds --number-style OnlySequentialNumbers --input photos --output organized-albums

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── 2005 │   ├── 08 │   │   └── 13 │   │   └── 2005.08.13_09.47.23.jpg │   └── 12 │   └── 14 │   └── 2005.12.14_14.39.47.jpg ├── 2008 │   ├── 07 │   │   └── 16 │   │   └── 2008.07.16_11.33.20.jpg │   └── 10 │   └── 22 │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.28.39.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.29.49.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.38.20.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.43.21.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.44.01.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.46.53.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.52.15.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_16.55.37.jpg │   ├── 2008.10.22_17.00.07-1.jpg │   └── 2008.10.22_17.00.07-2.jpg ├── 2012 │   └── 06 │   └── 22 │   └── 2012.06.22_19.52.31.jpg ├── 2015 │   └── 04 │   └── 10 │   ├── 2015.04.10_20.12.23-1.jpg │   └── 2015.04.10_20.12.23-2.jpg ├── IMG_5397.jpg └── photo-cli-report.csv

16 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>


Adding day range as a prefix to existing folder names and photos copied with a file name as address and day.
photo-cli copy --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --folder-append DayRange --folder-append-location Prefix --naming-style AddressDay --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb  --number-style AllNamesAreSameLength --input photos --output organized-albums

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── 2005.12.14-2008.10.22-Italy album │   ├── IMG_2371.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-10.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-11.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-12.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-13.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-14.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-15.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-16.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-17.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-18.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22-19.jpg │   └── Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1-2005.12.14.jpg ├── 2015.04.10-2015.04.10-Spain Journey │   ├── España-Madrid-2015.04.10-1.jpg │   ├── España-Madrid-2015.04.10-2.jpg │   └── IMG_5397.jpg ├── Kenya-2005.08.13.jpg ├── photo-cli-report.csv └── United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot-2012.06.22.jpg

2 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>


Preserve same folder hierarchy, copy photos with a file name as photo taken date, time and address. Possible file name will have number suffix. Photos that don't have any coordinate or photo taken date will be copied in a relative subfolder.
photo-cli copy --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --naming-style AddressDateTimeWithSeconds  --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --number-style AllNamesAreSameLength --no-taken-date InSubFolder --no-coordinate InSubFolder --input photos --output organized-albums

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── Italy album │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.28.39.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.29.49.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.38.20.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.43.21.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.44.01.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.46.53.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.52.15.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_16.55.37.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_17.00.07-1.jpg │   ├── Italia-Arezzo-2008.10.22_17.00.07-2.jpg │   ├── Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1-2005.12.14_14.39.47.jpg │   └── no-address │   └── IMG_2371.jpg ├── Kenya-2005.08.13_09.47.23.jpg ├── photo-cli-report.csv ├── Spain Journey │   ├── España-Madrid-2015.04.10_20.12.23-1.jpg │   ├── España-Madrid-2015.04.10_20.12.23-2.jpg │   └── no-address-and-no-photo-taken-date │   └── IMG_5397.jpg └── United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot-2012.06.22_19.52.31.jpg

4 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>


Groups photos by photo taken year, month, day than copy on [year]/[month]/[day] directory with a file name as photo taken date. Photos that don't have any coordinate will be copied in a relative subfolder.

photo-cli copy --process-type FlattenAllSubFolders --group-by AddressHierarchy --naming-style DayAddress --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --number-style OnlySequentialNumbers --no-taken-date AppendToEndOrderByFileName --no-coordinate InSubFolder --input photos --output organized-albums

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

<table> <tr> <th>Original Folder Hierarchy</th> <th>After <b><i>photo-cli</i></b></th></tr><tr> <td> <pre> ├── DSC_5727.jpg ├── GOPR6742.jpg ├── Italy album │   ├── DJI_01732.jpg │   ├── DJI_01733.jpg │   ├── DSC00001.JPG │   ├── DSC03467.jpg │   ├── DSC_1769.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770.JPG │   ├── DSC_1770_(same).jpg │   ├── DSC_1771.JPG │   ├── GOPR7496.jpg │   ├── GOPR7497.jpg │   ├── IMG_0747.JPG │   └── IMG_2371.jpg └── Spain Journey ├── DSC_1807.jpg ├── DSC_1808.jpg └── IMG_5397.jpg

2 directories, 17 files </pre> </td> <td> <pre> ├── España │   └── Madrid │   ├── 2015.04.10-España-Madrid-1.jpg │   └── 2015.04.10-España-Madrid-2.jpg ├── Italia │   ├── Arezzo │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-10.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-1.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-2.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-3.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-4.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-5.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-6.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-7.jpg │   │   ├── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-8.jpg │   │   └── 2008.10.22-Italia-Arezzo-9.jpg │   └── Firenze │   └── Quartiere 1 │   └── 2005.12.14-Italia-Firenze-Quartiere 1.jpg ├── Kenya │   └── 2005.08.13-Kenya.jpg ├── no-address │   ├── IMG_2371.jpg │   └── IMG_5397.jpg ├── photo-cli-report.csv └── United Kingdom └── Ascot └── Sunninghill and Ascot └── 2012.06.22-United Kingdom-Ascot-Sunninghill and Ascot.jpg

11 directories, 18 files </pre> </td> </tr> </table>


Commands / Verbs

Subcommand description
info Creates a report (CSV file) listing all photo taken date and address (reverse geocode).
copy Copies photos into new folder hierarchy with given arguments using photograph's taken date and coordinate address (reverse geocode).
address Get address (reverse geocode) of single photo.
settings Lists, saves and get settings.


Creates a report (CSV file) listing all photo taken date and address (reverse geocode).

photo-cli help info
  -o, --output                      (MUST) File system path to write report file.

  -i, --input                       (Default current executing folder) File system path to read & copy photos from. ( there will be no modification on input path )

  -a, --all-folders                 (Optional) Read & list all photos in all sub folders (no extra parameter needed)

  -t, --no-taken-date               (Optional) Action to do when a photo with a no taken date. ( Continue: 0, PreventProcess: 1 )

  -c, --no-coordinate               (Optional) Action to do when a photo with a no coordinate. ( Continue: 0, PreventProcess: 1 )

  -e, --reverse-geocode             (Optional) Third-party provider to resolve photo taken address by photo's coordinates. ( Disabled: 0 [default], BigDataCloud: 1, OpenStreetMapFoundation: 2, GoogleMaps: 3, MapQuest: 4, LocationIq: 5 )

  -b, --bigdatacloud-key            (Optional) API key needed to use BigDataCloud. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_BIG_DATA_CLOUD_API_KEY can be used. )

  -v, --bigdatacloud-levels         (Optional) Admin levels separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from BigDataCloud. )

  -m, --googlemaps-types            (Optional) GoogleMaps address types separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from GoogleMaps. )

  -k, --googlemaps-key              (Optional) API key needed to use GoogleMaps. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY can be used. )

  -r, --openstreetmap-properties    (Optional) OpenStreetMap properties separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from OpenStreetMap provider. )

  -u, --mapquest-key                (Optional) API key needed to use MapQuest. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_MAPQUEST_API_KEY can be used. )

  -q, --locationiq-key              (Optional) API key needed to use LocationIq. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY can be used. )

  -h, --has-paid-license            (Optional) Bypass rate limit if you have paid license. ( For MapQuest and LocationIq. )

  -l, --language                    (Optional) Language/culture value to get localized address result for BigDataCloud ( ) and GoogleMaps ( ).

  --help                            Display this help screen.

  --version                         Display version information.

- Instead of option names (for ex: DateTimeWithMinutes), you may use options values too. (for ex: 3)
- You can use relative folder paths. If you use the input folder as the working directory, you don't need to use the input argument.

- Photos located on all subfolders will be processed and their photograph's taken date and address information will be saved on CSV file using BigDataCloud reverse geocode provider.

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli info --all-folders --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --input [input-folder] --output [output-file].csv --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli info -a -e OpenStreetMapFoundation -i [input-folder] -o [output-file].csv -r country city town suburb

- Using Google Maps reverse geocode provider (need api key) with an option to prevent processing if there is no coordinate or no photo taken date found on any photo.

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli info --no-coordinate PreventProcess --reverse-geocode GoogleMaps --input [input-folder] --googlemaps-key google-api-key --googlemaps-types administrative_area_level_1 administrative_area_level_2 --output [output-file].csv --no-taken-date PreventProcess

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli info -c PreventProcess -e GoogleMaps -i [input-folder] -k google-api-key -m administrative_area_level_1 administrative_area_level_2 -o [output-file].csv -t PreventProcess


Copies photos into new folder hierarchy with given arguments using photograph's taken date and coordinate address (reverse geocode).

photo-cli help copy
 -o, --output                      (MUST) File system path to create new organized folder. A new folder hierarchy will be created on that location with new file names. (will create folder if not exists)

  -s, --naming-style                (MUST) Naming strategy of newly copied file name. ( Numeric: 1, Day: 2, DateTimeWithMinutes: 3, DateTimeWithSeconds: 4, Address: 5, DayAddress: 6, DateTimeWithMinutesAddress: 7, DateTimeWithSecondsAddress: 8, AddressDay: 9,
                                    AddressDateTimeWithMinutes: 10, AddressDateTimeWithSeconds: 11 )

  -f, --process-type                (MUST) Reading photos strategy from input folder. ( Single: 1, SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy: 2, FlattenAllSubFolders: 3 )

  -n, --number-style                (MUST) Number naming strategy when using `NamingStyle` as `Numeric` or using to numbering the possible same names. ( AllNamesAreSameLength: 1, PaddingZeroCharacter: 2, OnlySequentialNumbers: 3 )

  -t, --no-taken-date               (MUST) Action to do when a photo with a no taken date. ( Continue: 0, PreventProcess: 1, DontCopyToOutput: 2, InSubFolder: 3, AppendToEndOrderByFileName: 4, InsertToBeginningOrderByFileName: 5 )

  -c, --no-coordinate               (MUST) Action to do when a photo with a no coordinate. ( Continue: 0, PreventProcess: 1, DontCopyToOutput: 2, InSubFolder: 3 )

  -i, --input                       (Default current executing folder) File system path to read & copy photos from. ( there will be no modification on input path )

  -d, --dry-run                     (Optional) Simulate the same process without writing to the output folder. (no extra parameter needed)

  -g, --group-by                    (Optional) Strategy to group photos into folders. [Can't use with `FolderProcessType` is `SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy`] ( YearMonthDay: 1, YearMonth: 2, Year: 3, Address: 4 )

  -a, --folder-append               (Optional) Appending name strategy to folder names cloned from source folder hierarchy. [Can be with `FolderProcessType` is `SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy`] ( FirstYearMonthDay: 1, FirstYearMonth: 2, FirstYear: 3, DayRange: 4,
                                    MatchingMinimumAddress: 5 )

  -p, --folder-append-location      (Optional) Append location for `FolderAppendType`. [Can be use with `FolderProcessType` is `SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy`] ( Prefix: 1, Suffix: 2 )

  -e, --reverse-geocode             (Optional) Third-party provider to resolve photo taken address by photo's coordinates. ( Disabled: 0 [default], BigDataCloud: 1, OpenStreetMapFoundation: 2, GoogleMaps: 3, MapQuest: 4, LocationIq: 5 )

  -b, --bigdatacloud-key            (Optional) API key needed to use BigDataCloud. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_BIG_DATA_CLOUD_API_KEY can be used. )

  -v, --bigdatacloud-levels         (Optional) Admin levels separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from BigDataCloud. )

  -m, --googlemaps-types            (Optional) GoogleMaps address types separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from GoogleMaps. )

  -k, --googlemaps-key              (Optional) API key needed to use GoogleMaps. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY can be used. )

  -r, --openstreetmap-properties    (Optional) OpenStreetMap properties separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from OpenStreetMap provider. )

  -u, --mapquest-key                (Optional) API key needed to use MapQuest. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_MAPQUEST_API_KEY can be used. )

  -q, --locationiq-key              (Optional) API key needed to use LocationIq. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY can be used. )

  -h, --has-paid-license            (Optional) Bypass rate limit if you have paid license. ( For MapQuest and LocationIq. )

  -l, --language                    (Optional) Language/culture value to get localized address result for BigDataCloud ( ) and GoogleMaps ( ).

  --help                            Display this help screen.

  --version                         Display version information.

- Instead of option names (for ex: DateTimeWithMinutes), you may use options values too. (for ex: 3)
- You can use relative folder paths. If you use the input folder as the working directory, you don't need to use the input argument.

- By preserving existing folder hierarchy, photos copied with a file name as photo taken date and time. Photos taken on same date and time, will have a number suffix. Photos that don't have any coordinate or photo taken date will be copied in a relative sub folder.

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli copy --no-coordinate InSubFolder --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --input [input-folder] --number-style PaddingZeroCharacter --output [output-folder] --naming-style DateTimeWithMinutes --no-taken-date InSubFolder

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli copy -c InSubFolder -f SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy -i [input-folder] -n PaddingZeroCharacter -o [output-folder] -s DateTimeWithMinutes -t InSubFolder

- Preserving folder hierarchy, photos copied with a sequential file name. Photos that don't have any coordinate or photo taken date won't be copied to output.

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli copy --no-coordinate DontCopyToOutput --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --input [input-folder] --number-style AllNamesAreSameLength --output [output-folder] --naming-style Numeric --no-taken-date DontCopyToOutput

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli copy -c DontCopyToOutput -f SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy -i [input-folder] -n AllNamesAreSameLength -o [output-folder] -s Numeric -t DontCopyToOutput

- Grouping all photos in folders with a name photo taken year and month. Photos will be copied with a file name date, time, and address received from OpenStreetMap reverse geocode provider.

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli copy --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --process-type FlattenAllSubFolders --group-by YearMonth --input [input-folder] --number-style OnlySequentialNumbers --output [output-folder] --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --naming-style DateTimeWithSecondsAddress --no-taken-date AppendToEndOrderByFileName

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli copy -e OpenStreetMapFoundation -f FlattenAllSubFolders -g YearMonth -i [input-folder] -n OnlySequentialNumbers -o [output-folder] -r country city town suburb -s DateTimeWithSecondsAddress -t AppendToEndOrderByFileName

- Process single folder and copy photos with file names as their address which will get from BigDataCloud

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli copy --no-coordinate PreventProcess --reverse-geocode BigDataCloud --process-type Single --input [input-folder] --number-style AllNamesAreSameLength --output [output-folder] --naming-style Address --no-taken-date DontCopyToOutput --bigdatacloud-levels 2 4 6 8

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli copy -c PreventProcess -e BigDataCloud -f Single -i [input-folder] -n AllNamesAreSameLength -o [output-folder] -s Address -t DontCopyToOutput -v 2 4 6 8

- Adding year month day as a prefix to existing folder names and photos copied with a file name as day and address. The address will be built from Google Maps (need API key).

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli copy --folder-append FirstYearMonthDay --no-coordinate PreventProcess --reverse-geocode GoogleMaps --process-type SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy --input [input-folder] --googlemaps-key google-api-key --googlemaps-types administrative_area_level_1 administrative_area_level_2 administrative_area_level_3 --number-style AllNamesAreSameLength --output [output-folder] --folder-append-location Prefix --naming-style DayAddress --no-taken-date PreventProcess

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli copy -a FirstYearMonthDay -c PreventProcess -e GoogleMaps -f SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy -i [input-folder] -k google-api-key -m administrative_area_level_1 administrative_area_level_2 administrative_area_level_3 -n AllNamesAreSameLength -o [output-folder] -p Prefix -s DayAddress -t PreventProcess


Get address (reverse geocode) of single photo.

photo-cli help address
  -i, --input                       (Default current executing folder) File system path to read & copy photos from. ( there will be no modification on the input path )

  -e, --reverse-geocode             (Optional) Third-party provider to resolve photo taken address by photo's coordinates. ( Disabled: 0 [default], BigDataCloud: 1, OpenStreetMapFoundation: 2, GoogleMaps: 3, MapQuest: 4, LocationIq: 5 )

  -t, --type                        (MUST) Response list detail level. ( AllAvailableProperties: 0, SelectedProperties: 1, FullResponse: 2 )

  -b, --bigdatacloud-key            (Optional) API key needed to use BigDataCloud. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_BIG_DATA_CLOUD_API_KEY can be used. )

  -v, --bigdatacloud-levels         (Optional) Admin levels separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from BigDataCloud. )

  -m, --googlemaps-types            (Optional) GoogleMaps address types separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from GoogleMaps. )

  -k, --googlemaps-key              (Optional) API key needed to use GoogleMaps. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY can be used. )

  -r, --openstreetmap-properties    (Optional) OpenStreetMap properties separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use `photo-cli address` to see full response returned from OpenStreetMap provider. )

  -u, --mapquest-key                (Optional) API key needed to use MapQuest. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_MAPQUEST_API_KEY can be used. )

  -q, --locationiq-key              (Optional) API key needed to use LocationIq. (Instead of using this option, environment name: PHOTO_CLI_LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY can be used. )

  -h, --has-paid-license            (Optional) Bypass rate limit if you have paid license. ( For MapQuest and LocationIq. )

  -l, --language                    (Optional) Language/culture value to get localized address result for BigDataCloud ( ) and GoogleMaps ( ).

  --help                            Display this help screen.

  --version                         Display version information.

- Instead of option names (for ex: DateTimeWithMinutes), you may use options values too. (for ex: 3)
- You can use relative folder paths. If you use the input folder as the working directory, you don't need to use the input argument.

- All properties

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli address --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --input [photo-path].jpg

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli address -e OpenStreetMapFoundation -i [photo-path].jpg

- Selected properties

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli address --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --input [photo-path].jpg --openstreetmap-properties country city town suburb --type SelectedProperties

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli address -e OpenStreetMapFoundation -i [photo-path].jpg -r country city town suburb -t SelectedProperties

- Show full response

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli address --reverse-geocode OpenStreetMapFoundation --input [photo-path].jpg --type FullResponse

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli address -e OpenStreetMapFoundation -i [photo-path].jpg -t FullResponse


List, save and get settings.

photo-cli help settings
  -k, --key      (Optional) Setting property name to change.

  -v, --value    (Optional) Setting value to set.

  -r, --reset    (Optional) Reset all settings value to default ones. (no extra parameter needed)

  --help         Display this help screen.

  --version      Display version information.

- Instead of option names (for ex: DateTimeWithMinutes), you may use options values too. (for ex: 3)
- You can use relative folder paths. If you use input folder as working directory, you don't need to use input argument.

- List all settings

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli settings

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli settings

- Get a setting

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli settings --key YearFormat

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli settings -k YearFormat

- Save a setting

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli settings --key YearFormat --value yyyy

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli settings -k YearFormat -v yyyy

- Reset all settings

Example with long argument names;
photo-cli settings --reset

Example with short argument names;
photo-cli settings -r

Command Line Options / Arguments

Input Path ( -i, --input )

Optional use for copy, info verb. Must be used on address verb. File system path to read & copy photos from. If not given, the current executing folder will be used. There will be no modification on input path.

Output Path

Must be used on copy, info verbs. File system path to write output. For copy, new folder hierarchy created on that location with new file names. It will create folder if not exists. For info, report csv file path to write.

Folder Process Type ( -f, --process-type )

Must be used on copy verb. You must select folder process behavior to whether use original folder hierarchy or flatten into single folder/grouped folder by Group By Folder.

Option Name
Single 1
SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy 2
FlattenAllSubFolders 3

Naming Style ( -s, --naming-style )

Must be used on copy verb. While copying to a new organized folder, you must select one of these file naming strategies for a newly copied photo file name.

Option Value
Numeric 1
Day 2
DateTimeWithMinutes 3
DateTimeWithSeconds 4
Address 5
DayAddress 6
DateTimeWithMinutesAddress 7
DateTimeWithSecondsAddress 8
AddressDay 9
AddressDateTimeWithMinutes 10
AddressDateTimeWithSeconds 11

Folder Append Type ( -a, --folder-append )

Optional use for copy verb. While copying to a new organized folder (you should select Folder Process Type as SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy ), you may select one of these file folder naming strategies. Must used with Folder Append Location Type

Option Value
FirstYearMonthDay 1
FirstYearMonth 2
FirstYear 3
DayRange 4
MatchingMinimumAddress 5

Folder Append Location Type ( -p, --folder-append-location )

Optional use for copy verb. While copying to a new organized folder (you should select Folder Process Type as SubFoldersPreserveFolderHierarchy ), you may select one of these file folder naming strategies. Must used with Folder Append Location

Option Value
Prefix 1
Suffix 2

Group By Folder ( -g, --group-by )

Optional use for copy verb. If you want to group photos by EXIF data, you may select one of these strategies.

Option Value
YearMonthDay 1
YearMonth 2
Year 3
Address 4

Number Naming Text Style ( -n, --number-style )

Must be used on copy verb. Number naming strategy when using Naming Style as Numeric or using to numbering the possible same names.

Option Value
AllNamesAreSameLength 1
PaddingZeroCharacter 2
OnlySequentialNumbers 3

Is Dry Run ( -d, --dry-run )

Optional use for copy verb. Simulate the same process without writing to output folder. No extra parameter needed.

Reverse Geocode Provider ( -e, --reverse-geocode )

Third-party provider to resolve photo taken address by photo's coordinates.

Option Value
BigDataCloud 1
OpenStreetMapFoundation 2
GoogleMaps 3
MapQuest 4
LocationIq 5

Big Data Cloud API Key ( -b, --bigdatacloud-key )

Sets Big Data Cloud reverse geocode API key. Alternatively, you may use the environment variable PHOTO_CLI_BIG_DATA_CLOUD_API_KEY.

Google Maps API Key ( -k, --googlemaps-key )

Sets Google Maps reverse geocode API key. Alternatively, you may use the environment variable PHOTO_CLI_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY.

Map Quest API Key ( -u, --mapquest-key )

Sets Map Quest reverse geocode API key. Alternatively, you may use the environment variable PHOTO_CLI_MAPQUEST_API_KEY.

Location Iq API Key ( -q, --locationiq-key )

Sets Location Iq reverse geocode API key. Alternatively, you may use the environment variable PHOTO_CLI_LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY.

BigDataCloud Admin Levels ( -v, --bigdatacloud-levels )

Must be used when BigDataCloud is selected as reverse geocode provider. Big Data Cloud admin levels are separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use photo-cli address to see the full response returned from BigDataCloud. )

OpenStreetMapProperties ( -r, --openstreetmap-properties )

Must be used when any of OpenStreetMapFoundation, MapQuest, LocationIq is selected as reverse geocode provider. OpenStreetMap properties separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use photo-cli address to see the full response returned from OpenStreetMap provider. )

Google Maps Address Types ( -m, --googlemaps-types )

Must be used when GoogleMaps selected as reverse geocode provider. Google Maps address types separated with space. ( To see which level correspond to which address level, you may use photo-cli address to see full the response returned from GoogleMaps. )

Has Paid License ( -h, --has-paid-license )

Bypass the free rate limit if you have paid license. (For MapQuest and LocationIq reverse geocode providers)

No Photograph Taken Date Action [for copy command ] ( -t, --no-taken-date )

Optional use for copy verb. Action to do when a photograph with a no taken date. Default is Continue.

Option Value
Continue (default) 0 (default)
PreventProcess 1
DontCopyToOutput 2
InSubFolder 3
AppendToEndOrderByFileName 4
InsertToBeginningOrderByFileName 5

No Coordinate Action [for copy command ] ( -c, --no-coordinate )

Optional use for copy verb. Action to do when a photo with a no coordinate.

Option Value
Continue 0
PreventProcess 1
DontCopyToOutput 2
InSubFolder 3

All Folders ( -a, --all-folders )

Optional use for info verb. Read & list all photos in all subfolders.

No Photograph Taken Date Action [for info command ] ( -t, --no-taken-date )

Optional use for info verb. Action to do when a photograph with a no taken date. Default is Continue.

Option Value
Continue (default) 0 (default)
PreventProcess 1

No Coordinate Action [for info command ] ( -c, --no-coordinate )

Optional use for info verb. Action to do when a photo with a no coordinate.

Option Value
Continue 0
PreventProcess 1


User can customize & set these options via settings command.

Listing All Settings

photo-cli settings

Getting a Single Value

photo-cli settings --key YearFormat

Setting a Single Value

photo-cli settings --key YearFormat --value y
No output when successful.

Resetting All Values To Defaults

photo-cli settings --reset
No output when successful

Exit Codes

Process exit codes listed below;

Option Value
Success 0
ParseArgsFailed 1
AppSettingsInvalidFile 2
ApiKeyStoreValidationFailed 10
AddressOptionsValidationFailed 11
InfoOptionsValidationFailed 12
CopyOptionsValidationFailed 13
SettingsOptionsValidationFailed 14
InputFolderNotExists 20
NoPhotoFoundOnDirectory 21
OutputFolderIsNotEmpty 22
OutputPathIsExists 23
OutputPathDontHaveWriteFilePermission 24
OutputPathDontHaveCreateDirectoryPermission 25
InputFileNotExists 26
PhotosWithNoDatePreventedProcess 30
PhotosWithNoCoordinatePreventedProcess 31
PhotosWithNoCoordinateAndNoDatePreventedProcess 32
PropertyNotFound 40
InvalidSettingsValue 41


See the roadmap.


See the contributing.

Code of Conduct

See the code of conduct.

Changelog - Release History

See the changelog.


Many thanks to these open source libraries. This work can not be done without these beautiful libraries and their contributors.

Also thanks exif-samples for sample images, to make project test various EXIF data variations.


Everything inside this repository is Apache 2.0 licensed.


dotnet tool uninstall -g photo-cli


This tool is currently developed by Alp Coker and is open for contributors.

Product Compatible and additional computed target framework versions.
.NET net6.0 is compatible.  net6.0-android was computed.  net6.0-ios was computed.  net6.0-maccatalyst was computed.  net6.0-macos was computed.  net6.0-tvos was computed.  net6.0-windows was computed.  net7.0 was computed.  net7.0-android was computed.  net7.0-ios was computed.  net7.0-maccatalyst was computed.  net7.0-macos was computed.  net7.0-tvos was computed.  net7.0-windows was computed.  net8.0 was computed.  net8.0-android was computed.  net8.0-browser was computed.  net8.0-ios was computed.  net8.0-maccatalyst was computed.  net8.0-macos was computed.  net8.0-tvos was computed.  net8.0-windows was computed. 
Compatible target framework(s)
Included target framework(s) (in package)
Learn more about Target Frameworks and .NET Standard.

This package has no dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated
0.3.0 107 7/27/2024
0.3.0-preview1 110 7/19/2024
0.3.0-preview0 226 3/26/2024
0.2.1 345 3/5/2024
0.2.0 245 2/20/2024
0.2.0-preview1 121 1/31/2024
0.2.0-preview0 225 11/19/2023
0.1.0 250 6/14/2023
0.1.0-preview3 265 6/13/2023
0.1.0-preview2 260 5/22/2023
0.1.0-preview1 191 5/17/2023
0.1.0-preview0 221 2/23/2023
0.0.1 298 2/13/2023
0.0.1-preview0 246 2/13/2023
0.0.0 461 8/1/2022
0.0.0-preview5 307 7/31/2022
0.0.0-preview4 220 7/30/2022
0.0.0-preview3 261 4/29/2022
0.0.0-preview2 275 4/27/2022
0.0.0-preview1 320 12/19/2021
0.0.0-preview0 262 12/18/2021