- 92,051 total downloads
- last updated 8/25/2015
- Latest version: 1.1.10
This package allow to invalidate local memory cache items with the help of StackExchange.Redis. -
- 11,840 total downloads
- last updated 12/15/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.6
Portable and standalone node+npm+git for Front end dev and msbuild integration -
- 10,195 total downloads
- last updated 9/15/2015
- Latest version: 0.1.8
Minimalist Libray to manage Leaderboards and Top(N) use cases -
- 5,537 total downloads
- last updated 11/8/2016
- Latest version: 0.0.36
A very compact representation of a list of samples, usually referred as time series. Inspired from -
- 2,205 total downloads
- last updated 5/25/2016
- Latest version: 0.1.6
Easily inline your scripts, styles, bundles when you *** NEED *** it.