
    • 21,638 total downloads
    • last updated 10/9/2013
    • Latest version: 3.4.0
    This project is a collection of Windows Phone utility classes that are created or brought together by the Dutch Windows Phone developer community, a loose band of enthousiasts usually referred to as "#wp7nl" or... More information
    • 20,141 total downloads
    • last updated 4/30/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.5
    This project is a merger of wp7nl and win8nl, a collection of Windows Phone and Windows Store apps utility classes that are created or brought together by the Dutch developer community, a loose band of... More information
    • 19,547 total downloads
    • last updated 10/17/2013
    • Latest version: 1.0.9
    This project started as a port of the Dutch Windows Phone 7 utilities library wp7nl (http://wp7nl.codeplex.com).
    • 18,420 total downloads
    • last updated 4/26/2013
    • Latest version: 1.0.3
    WinRT XAML does not support behaviors out of the box. This library tries to fill the gap for people who really need behaviors to get cracking in XAML for Windows 8 apps. Version 1.0.2 adds a bit of Blend... More information
    • 13,257 total downloads
    • last updated 5/18/2016
    • Latest version: 3.0.6-alpha (prerelease)
    This is a map binding suite for Windows Phone 8.1 and UWP based on WinWinNl
    • 12,240 total downloads
    • last updated 3/23/2016
    • Latest version: 3.0.5-alpha (prerelease)
    A collection of Windows Phone and Windows Store apps utility classes that are created or brought together by the Dutch developer community. Updated for UWP
    • 8,308 total downloads
    • last updated 5/8/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.0
    This project has a single goal: to make it possible to write behaviors in a PCL